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About Coffee - Brew Guides

The Clever is one of the easiest ways to make a great tasting cup of coffee at home. It uses immersion brewing to give you a full-bodied cup of coffee with no sediment. We think it produces the most flavourful cup of coffee.

Click here to download Clever Brewing Guide as a PDF.

What you need:

Clever brewer | Filter | Coffee | Grinder | Scale or Measuring Spoon | Filtered Water | Kettle | Timer | Spoon | Coffee Mug (12 oz)

Getting ready:

Heat 350ml of water to 205 Fahrenheit (or boil and rest off of the heat for a minute before brewing).

Step 1:

Someone pouring boiling water into a clever with a filterPlace the filter in the Clever dripper. Pour boiled water to the top and let it drain through over the empy coffee mug. This will remove any filter dust.





Step 2:

Grounded coffee in a clever brewer sitting on a scaleGrind 22g (approximately three rounded tbsps) of coffee on a medium grind. Pour into filter, tap the sides to even out the coffee bed.





Step 3:

Someone pouring boiling water over coffee grounds Pour enough water over the grinds to just saturate them, around 100ml.





Step 4:

Stirring the coffee grounds in the brewerStir gently.






Step 5:

Coffee steeping in brewer on top of scalePour the remaining 250ml of water into the filter so it is full and completely saturated.





Step 6:

Lid on top of brewer sitting next to timerPlace lid on the brewer and set timer for 2 minutes 30 seconds.





Step 7:

Brewer sitting on top of coffee mugSet brewer on coffee mug and drain into cup.






Step 8:

Brewer sitting next to coffee mug full of coffeeFilter and grinds can go in the compost, rinse out the Clever and enjoy your cup of coffee!

The Chemex is a great pour over method of brewing coffee. It’s an easy-to-use and easy-to-clean brewer that allows for great complexity to come through in the coffee’s flavours.

Click here to download Chemex Brewing Guide as a PDF.

What you need:

Chemex brewer | Filter | Coffee | Grinder | Scale or measuring Spoon | Filtered Water | Kettle | Timer | Spoon | Coffee Mug (12 oz)

Getting ready

Heat 400ml of water to 205 Fahrenheit (or boil and rest off of the heat for a minute before brewing).

Step 1:

Filter inside Chemex brewer and someone pouring boiling water over top Place the filter in the Chemex brewer and rinse the filter with boiled water to remove and paper flavour.





Step 2:

Pouring water out of Chemex into the sinkDrain the water out through the spout.






Step 3:

Chemex with coffee grinds inside, sitting on top of a scale

Grind 28g (approximately four tablespoons) of freshly roasted coffee to a medium size (#7 - basket filter on our grinders) and place in the filter. Give it a shake side to side to flatten the coffee bed.





Step 4:

Chemex with coffee grinds inside, sitting on top of a scale, with timer besideStart a timer and pour just enough water into the coffee so that it evenly saturates the grinds, 80 to 100 ml.





Step 5:

Someone pouring boiling water into Chemex brewerAt the 30 second mark, pour another 100ml evenly into the coffee using slow, concentric circles. Never pour down the sides of the filter - always pour into the coffee itself*.

*Pouring water down the sides of the filter forces very fine particles to migrate down the filter and into the cone at the bottom, where they can clog the flow of water. If the Chemex takes more than 90 seconds to drip after pouring your last 100ml of water, it's probably because of pouring into the sides of the filter.




Step 6:

Chemex brewer with coffee and water brewing, sitting on top of scaleAt the 60 second mark, pour another 100ml into the coffee. Repeat with the final 100ml at the 90 second mark.



Step 7:

Someone taking the filter out of the Chemex

Once water has drained completely, remove filter and compost it. It should take about 60 to 90 seconds to drain.





Step 8:

Someone pouring the brewed coffee into a mugPour the coffee from the Chemex into your mug and enjoy!


Pour the coffee from the Chemex into your mug and enjoy!

Click here to download Press Pot Brewing Guide as a PDF.

What you need:

Press Pot | Coffee | Grinder | Scale or a Measuring Spoon | Filtered Water | Kettle | Timer | Spoon | Coffee Mug (12 oz)

Step 1:

Someone pouring boiling water into press potPreheat Press Pot with hot water then drain out water.





Step 2:

Press pot with coffee grinds sittinng next to the lidGrind coffee to a medium-coarse grind. Use about 7 grams (approx. one tbsp) for every 4 oz of water - for example if you have a 20 oz Press Pot, use about 5 tbsps of coffee. Pour coffee into Press Pot.




Step 3:

Someone pouring boiling water into the press pot with coffee grindsPour boiled water into Press Pot. Stir to make sure the coffee is evenly saturated.





Step 4:

Press pot sitting while it brews the coffee, next to a spoon and a timerPut lid on Press Pot and start time for 4 minutes.






Step 5:

Someone sitrring the coffee and water in the press potAfter one minute, remove lid and stir again to make sure extraction is even throughout the brew.





Step 6:

Someone putting the lid back on the press pot Place lid on again and make sure the opening on the lid and the spout are aligned.





Step 7:

Someone pushing down the press into the potAt the end of the four minutes, push the press into the pot at a slow, even rate. This will force all the grounds to the bottom.





Step 8:

A pot of brewed coffee sitting next to a mugPour the coffee into your mug as soon as it’s pressed. If there’s more than you can fit and you’d like to enjoy it later, transfer it to another carafe so it doesn’t sit with the grinds at the bottom.







The Aeropress is a great way to make a flavourful cup of coffee in a hurry. It uses immersion brewing to give you a full-bodied cup of coffee with no
sediment. It’s simple design makes one cup at a time with quick and easy clean-up.

Click here to download Aeropress Brewing Guide as a PDF 

What you need:

Aeropress | Filter | Coffee | Grinder | Scale or Measuring Spoon | Filtered Water